How to display the binary data of png image in browser

I got binary data of the png image from some third party api
This is the data text that I get after console log :

IHDRf�:%PLTE���U��~IDATx�옱�� D[��I�BfBʌP�R_��ݗ~}�,��8���D��3x뭷��”IV��2�����o|`�,��yi.��r�>�%��UN�<#@�o�4$۬�!7 �”>PM�d
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In the browser , when open the network tab the image will be display like this :
image display

How can I display the data above as image like below picture ? I’ve try every possible way by convert data to base64 or change accept type from the request header but none of them works .

Any help will be much appreciated . Thank you for reading

This is the code to convert data to base64 that I’ve tried :
` const blob = new Blob([esimQrCode], { type: “image/png” });
const base64Data = Buffer.from(esimQrCode).toString(“base64”);

return <img src={data:image/png;base64,${base64Data}} />