Cannot figure out how to use Promise to retrieve data

I’m using an async function that awaits a GraphQL call. The GraphQL call returns a Promise that does contain the data I want. However, I’m unable to figure out a way to access it.

Here is the code:

export async function getModel() {
    try {
        const router = useRouter()
        const {id} = router.query
        const res = await API.graphql({
            query: queries.getYawaraModel,
            variables: {id: id}

        return (
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("my error:"+e)

export default function Detail({props}) {
    const technique = getModel()
    console.log('technique', technique)
    return <TechniqueListCard

Here is a snapshot of the console log proving the payload data has been returned:
enter image description here

How do I access the contents of the returned Promise?