Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘style’) at HTMLAnchorElement.animateit animateit @

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style') at HTMLAnchorElement.animateit animateit @

This is my code:
`(function () {

  const aLink = document.querySelectorAll('a');
  const cursor = document.querySelector('.cursor');

  const animateit = function (e) {
        const span = this.querySelector('span');
        const { offsetX: x, offsetY: y } = e,
        { offsetWidth: width, offsetHeight: height } = this,

        move = 35,
        xMove = x / width * (move * 2) - move,
        yMove = y / height * (move * 2) - move; = `translate(${xMove}px, ${yMove}px)`;

        if (e.type === 'mouseleave') = '';

  aLink.forEach(b => b.addEventListener('mousemove', animateit));
  aLink.forEach(b => b.addEventListener('mouseleave', animateit));


I was expectiong to just work normally… But it work sbut I dont now what has happened but it shows that style is null.