I have component TopPage
and ImagePreview
and FileUploader
At first
is shown, -
FileUploader changed the fileObj state of TopPage.
then,FileUploader disappeared and ImagePreview appreas, and at the same time useEffect() is called, but at this time, there is no
When useState is called , both component re-render and useEffect are called.
The order is useEffect -> re-render?
If so, how can I solve this problem?
const TopPage = (props) =>{
const [fileObj, setFileObj ] = useState();
useEffect(() =>{
if (fileObj){
return <ImagePreview ref={imagePreviewRef}></ImagePreview>
else {
return <FileUploader SetFileObj=setFileObj></FileUploader>
const FileUploader = (props) => {
// props.setFileObj() is called here.
const ImagePreview = (props) => {
const loadPic = () =>{// loadpicture to canvas }