mermaid API Syntax error in graph – cytoscape.umd.js – Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘h’)

I create the syntax for a mermaid mindmap diagram from my data (from an array) using Javascript. The diagram renders beautifully in
I use the mermaid API with “await mermaid.renderAsync”. (code attached).
The problem now is that the first time I call it, the error “Syntax error in graph” appears and in the console the error:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'h')
    at (cytoscape.umd.js

If I now change my theme (e.g. base or neutral or dark), the mindmap is displayed correctly on the second call.
Where is the error here?

code to render the graph:

async function makeGraph(id) {
    let data = localStorage.getItem("mermaidMindMapInput");
    var svg = await mermaid.renderAsync("svg_" + id, data);
    var elem = document.getElementById(id);
    elem.innerHTML = svg;


<div id="g2"></div>

code to change theme:

   function changeTheme() {
        // Get a reference to the select element
        var themeSelect = document.querySelector("#theme-select");

        // Add an event listener to the select element to change the theme
            .addEventListener("change", function () {
                // Get the selected theme
                var selectedTheme =;

                // Check if the selected theme is different from the current theme
                if (selectedTheme !== currentTheme) {
                    // Update the current theme
                    currentTheme = selectedTheme;

                    // Reinitialize Mermaid with the new theme
                    mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true, theme: currentTheme });

                    var diagrams = document.querySelectorAll(".g2");
                    diagrams.forEach((diagram) => {
                        var svg = diagram.querySelector("svg");
                        if (svg) {


This is the result of the MindMap:
enter image description here