issues filtering react JSX State array

I have a state array using useState that keeps track of some components, I add components to the array with a click of a button i.e

const [answerLines, setAnswerLines] = useState<any[]>([])

adding to the array

const addAnswerLine=()=>       {   setAnswerLines([...answerLines,<NewTestAnswerLine key={answerLines.length} lineIndex={answerLines.length} isCorrect={answerLines.length===correctAnswer} setCorrectAnswer={setCorrectAnswer} deleteLine={()=>deleteAnswerLine(answerLines.length)} />])       }

when it comes deleting the lines by filtering out the array of the clicked line Id, it doesn’t work as expected, for instance if I click the 0 index item the array filters to null.

This is my delete function that I pass down through props:

const deleteAnswerLine = (index: number) => {
    setAnswerLines( answerLines.filter(item=>item.props.lineIndex!==index))