Rename and convert property and value on way into MongoDB

How can I rename the id field and convert it from a string to an ObjectId on the way into mongo? I would like to do this work on the database rather than in the application.

I am converting mongo’s _id field from an ObjectId to a string and renaming it to id on the way out of the database. How can I do the reverse when I am updating a record?

export async function updateEvent( id: string, event: IEvent ) {
    const _id = new ObjectId(id)
    // how can I get rid of this
    const _event: any = event          
    _event._id = new ObjectId(
    delete _event._id

    await db()
            { _id },
            // and do the work here instead

Below I am turning the _id field into a string and renaming it to id before passing the record to the rest of the application. How can I do the reverse on the way back into the database?

export async function retrieveEvent( id: string ) {
    const _id = new ObjectId(id)

    const event = await db()
            { _id },
                projection: {
                    _id: 0,
                    id: {$toString: "$_id" },
                    name: 1,

    return event