How to identify root issue of local web server via IIS or Visual Studio Code?

I am very new to coding but have basic knowledge of troubleshooting and website design in HTML/Java.

Using Windows 10, IIS, Visual Studio Code, Python & Oracle

I am helping a friend with a project where they inherited a server and files for a program/platform. As soon as the data was transferred and server physically moved the webpage stopped working.

We have the original computer with all the original files

The server seems to be based in IIS though the inetpub/wwwroot files appear to be standard downloads and not any custom designations.

inetpub/wwwroot only contains iisstart

Pinging the IP address shows it is active and responding.

Chrome returns error “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” when using https://LOCALWEBSITENAME


  • Any suggestions on where to start identifying the main disconnection issue?
  • Tips on locating the original web server files?