Display partial response including styles

When I make a rest call in react, I get a style and html response as follows. Is not in String format.
How can I display this in React as a partial html fragment?

Bear in mind I can’t just use dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
That will take care of the html yes. But will not recognise the style.

// This won't capture styles.
const Partial = ({ html }) => {
    return (
          __html: html.toString(),
export default Partial;

There are hundreds of styles and hundreds of elements here. The following is just a sample.
Trying to achieve this without any additional libs.

This is the response, not in String format. Believe is text/html.

    .sample {
        margin: 0;
    /* hundreds of other styles */
    .sample2 {
        padding: 0;
    /* hundreds of other styles */
<!-- many other style tags -->
    /* hundreds of other elements */
    /* hundreds of other elements */