I am a newbie to using Discord.js and I am getting the error in the title. I searched but couldn’t find a solution. Can you help me? Thank you in advance.TypeError: SlashCommandBuilder is not a constructor.
const { Wordle} = require('discord-gamecord');
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Play the wordle game!"),
async execute (interaction) {
const Game = new Wordle({
message: interaction,
isSlashGame: false,
embed: {
title: 'Wordle',
color: '#5865F2'
customword: null,
timeoutTime: 60000,
winMessage: 'You won! The word was **(word)**',
loseMessage: 'You lost! The word was **{word}**',
playerOnlyMessage: 'Only {player} cam ise these buttons'
Game.on('gameOver', result => {