How to store multilevel conditions in an array

I want to code a function to handle definable conditions.

The reference data is contained in an object and a simple condition is stored in a 3 elements array like this :

["name", "==", "John Doe"]

here is the code that works well to test a simple condition:

function getResultOfSimpleCondition(data, condition) {
    let c1 = data[condition[0]],
        operateur = condition[1],     
        c2 = condition[2], cond=true;
                case "==" :
                case "="  :         cond = (c1 == c2 ); break;
                case "!=" :         cond = (c1 != c2 ); break;
                case ">"  :         cond = (c1 >  c2 ); break;
                case "<"  :         cond = (c1 <  c2 ); break;
                case ">=" :         cond = (c1 >= c2 ); break;
                case "<=" :         cond = (c1 <= c2 ); break;
                case "like":        cond = (c1.indexOf(c2) >  -1); break;
                case "not like":    cond = (c1.indexOf(c2) == -1); break;
                default   :         cond = (c1 == c2 ); break;
    return cond

let myData = { name:'John Doe', age:'28', town:'PARIS', qty:5, uptodate: true},

    condition_0 = ["name", "==", "Jack Sparrow"],    // result false
    condition_1 = ["age", ">=", "24"],               // result true
    condition_2 = ["uptodate", "==", false],         // result false
    condition_3 = ["town", "==", "PARIS"];           // result true

console.log( getResultOfSimpleCondition(myData, condition_0) )

what I’m looking for is how to implement more complex conditions on the same principle.

For example:

on 2 levels:

[ condition_0, "OR", condition_1 ] // result true


[ condition_1, "AND", condition_2 ] // result false

on more levels:

[[ condition_0, "OR", condition_1 ], "AND", condition_3] // result true


[[ condition_0, "OR", condition_1 ], "AND", condition_3, "AND NOT", [condition_5, "OR", condition_23 ] ]

thank you in advance