Unexpected end of form at Multipart._final error

I’m trying to send a new FormData() as the body of a POST request, locally it works without any issues but on our live envs I keep getting Unexpected end of form at Multipart._final. I tried sending the request without specifying a content-type but then it defaults to application/json instead of multipart/form-data with the boundary. I also tried setting content-type to undefined but that didn’t work either, the browser won’t set it automatically. I’m using an in-house built http client so not Axios or anything like that maybe that is the culprit here, but I can’t figure this one out.

Is there a way to set the boundary manually using the formData?

This is the api call:

export const uploadFiles = async {
    formData: FormData;
) => {
    try {
        const res = await Api.postUploadFiles.submit({
            body: { formData },
            headers: { "Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${add it manually here}` },
        return res;
    } catch (err) {
        const publicErrMsg = err?.response?.data?.message;
        throw new Error(
            `Error when uploading file: ${publicErrMsg || err.message}`,

This is where data being appended to formData:

const upload = useCallback(
        async (files: FileList) => {
            const formData = new FormData();
            formData.append("filesData", files[0]);
            formData.append("folderPath", btoa(selectedFolderPath || ""));
            formData.append("friendlyName", files[0].name);
            try {
                const res = await uploadFiles(

And this is the API definition:

export const postUploadFiles = API_DEF.endpoint<
    any, // this is the response type
    { formData: FormData }
    id: "uploadFiles",
    name: "Upload File",
    description: "Upload a file to to storage",
    method: RequestMethod.Post,
    path: "/files/upload",
    defaults: {
        options: {
            cache: false,