In class some function is undefined

I created the class with some functions, but its not working well. In the running time it is showing the this.pickRandomName is undefined. When I call it this.createBot.

class HostBotManager {
 this.xmpp.on('online', async (address) => {
        // Makes itself available
        console.log('online as ', address.toString())

        // Let the action begin!
        // for (var i=0; i<this.instanceCount; i++) {
          // this.createBot()
          this.runBetween(0, 1000, this.instanceCount);
        // }


    // no need to listen for stanzas
  // Load list of possible bot names from file
  loadNames(filename) {
    let data = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8')
    return data.split(/r?n/)
  pickRandomName() {
    console.log("what is this ", this)
    if (!this.names) return unnamed
    let nameIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.names.length)
    let prefix = this.names[nameIndex]
    let suffix = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)
    return `${this.botPrefix}${prefix}-${suffix}`
  runBetween(start, end, instanceCount) {
    const delay = (end - start) / instanceCount;
    console.log("delay time ", delay)
    for (let i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
      setTimeout(this.createBot, start + i * delay);

  async createBot() {"create bot has called!", this)
    // don't do this if we're winding down
    if (this.windingDown) return

    // Randomly create the bot
    let bot = {}
    // Choose a name
    let name = this.pickRandomName()
    bot.jid = jid(`${name}@${this.domain}`)

    // Choose a table
    let suffix =
    bot.table = jid(`${name}-${suffix}@${this.tableService}`)
    console.log(`Sending ${bot.jid} to ${bot.table}`)

    // Create the room
      <presence from="${bot.jid}" to="${bot.table}">
        <game var="">
          <item role="kibitzer"/>


    // invite player bots
    for (let seat of ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W']) {
        <message from="${bot.jid}" to="${bot.table}">
          <game xmlns="">
            <invite to="${this.botService}"/>
            <item role="${seat}"/>

      await wait()

If I call a this.createBot() straightly from the for loop its working fine. But if I call it via this.runBetween its showing some error with this.pickRandomname is not a function.

This is the error

 let name = this.pickRandomName()

TypeError: this.pickRandomName is not a function
    at Timeout.createBot [as _onTimeout] (C:bk-hoolbot-testhobotindex.js:140:21)
    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17)
    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7)