how to use UpdateOne in mongoose for an array?

currently making an e-commerce application and trying to make the checkout api that will credit multiple stores with their respective amounts due. I’m sure the logic works because the history can be created properly but it appears the problem with the update part of the api is, it doesn’t save and return the update value before running the loop again here’s the source code. the issue is at the add to seller function

export default async function PayNow(req, res) {
if (req.method === "POST") {

    console.log('CONNECTING TO MONGO');
    await connectMongo();
    console.log('CONNECTED TO MONGO');

    const { _id } = JSON.parse(req.body)

    const sender = await Student.findById(_id)
    const orders = await CheckOutItem.find({ user: _id })

    let store = []

    for (let i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {


    const n_store = [... new Set(store)]

    let fee = 0

    // collect delivery fee
    for (let i = 0; i < n_store.length; i++) {

        if (orders[i].mod === "PickUp") {
            fee = 0
        } else {
            fee = fee + 100


    const o_fee = fee / n_store.length

    //collect total 

    let sum = 0

    for (let i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
        sum += orders[i].amount

    let total = sum + fee


    //pay for all items

    for (let i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
        if (orders[i].p_status === "Pay on Delivery") {
            if (sender.account_bal < total) {
                return res.status(256).json({
                    message: "insufficient funds",
            } else {

                //subtract from student
                const new_sender_bal1 = sender.account_bal - sum
                const sender_bal = await Student.findById(_id).updateOne({ account_bal: new_sender_bal1 })

                const l_store = await Promise.all( (name) => {
                    const o_store = Seller.findOne({ storename: name })
                    return (o_store)

                //add to sller
                for (let i = 0; i < l_store.length; i++) {
                    await Seller.findByIdAndUpdate(l_store[i]._id, { account_bal: l_store[i].account_bal + orders[i].amount }, { new: true })


                return res.status(200).json(orders[0].amount)


        } else {
            return res.status(259).json({
                message: "Already paid",


    //pay deliveriy fee

    if (fee > 0) {
        const new_sender_bal = sender.account_bal - fee
        const new_user_bal = await Student.findById(_id).updateOne({ account_bal: new_sender_bal })
        // console.log(new_sender_bal)

        const l_store = await Promise.all( (name) => {
            const o_store = Seller.findOne({ storename: name })
            return (o_store)

        for (let i = 0; i < l_store.length; i++) {
            const main_sell_bal = l_store[i].account_bal + o_fee

            const new_main_sell_bal = await Seller.findById(l_store[i]._id).updateOne({ account_bal: main_sell_bal })

            const dev_history = await TransferHistory.create({
                sender: sender.firstname + sender.lastname,
                reciever: l_store[i].storename,
                amount: o_fee,
                trans_type: "DEBIT",
                send_id: _id,
                rec_id: l_store[i]._id

            const dev_history2 = await TransferHistory.create({
                sender: sender.firstname + sender.lastname,
                reciever: l_store[i].storename,
                amount: o_fee,
                trans_type: "CREDIT",
                send_id: _id,
                rec_id: l_store[i]._id

        return res.status(200)

    } else {
        return res.status(200).json({
            message: "no delivery fee but successful"

} else {
    return res.status(400).json({
        message: "wrong request",

