A react-toast component creadted with an intention to publish it as an private npm pacakge. It can usedul for many internal projects.
So, below is my code: https://codesandbox.io/s/custom-toastify-toast-with-react-component-forked-mu2l9c?file=/src/App.js:297-484
However there are two problems encountered
- on Click of buttons, two toast box are being displayed
- Passing down of Ref to child components.
Again, the code uses, ref
, current.showToast
. So it sounds bad to pass down refs
to child Components.
What I want to achieve is DECLARE ONE TIME and USE ANYWHERE.
So, in the parent Component
import {ToastSuccess, ToastSuccessMeta, ToastError, ToastErrorMeta } from 'custom-library'
<ToastSuccess />
<ToastError />
In Child components
<button onClick={() => ToastSuccessMeta.showToast({ position: "top-right", message: "Custom Success Toast" })}>Show Toast </button>
<button onClick={() => ToastErrorMeta.showToast({ position: "top-right", message: "Custom Error Toast" })}>Show Toast Erro</button>
I don’t know if I can achieve this. Please note that custom-library
is the place where Toast-Container will be configured. . And projects will install and import it to use the toast.
Your help is appreciated.
Thank you