Currently I show the name of pdf documents in text and when clicked it calls a controller and then displays the PDF on the screen.
I would like to click but instead of opening another screen the pdf file I would like a modal to open with the pdf.
I wanted to know what I can change in my code to do it, I leave below the view and controller that I use.
This is my view where I show the name of the document on the screen and when I click I send as a parameter an ID of the document that I want to show on the screen.
<a href="@Url.Action("GetPDF", "Home", new { Model.Id })">
Document Name: @Model.documentType
The controller receives the file ID and calls via a function get the file information from the database, get the byte of the file and convert it to PDF.
public async Task<ActionResult> GetPDF(Guid id)
var vm = new ViewModels.Home.AttachmentViewModel();
var result = vm.GetServiceAttachment(id));
//Function to get the file information from DB .
byte[] file;
foreach (var attachment in result)
file = attachment.File;
byte[] byteArray = file;
return new FileContentResult(byteArray, "application/pdf");
return null;