React component not updating when state data changes

I have a react component Project.js and Table.js. I am trying to make it so when a chooses files inside Project.js, it sends those files to Table.js to be displayed.

So inside Project.js, the default for the state tableData is set with 2 elements:

  const [tableData, setTableData] = useState([
      "<div style='cursor: pointer;'> = num</div>",
      "<input type='checkbox'>",
      "metaTitle A"
      "<div style='cursor: pointer;'> = num</div>",
      "<input type='checkbox'>",
      "metaTitle B"

This gets passed into the Table.js component like so:

<Table tableData={tableData} />

And get displayed correctly, I even have some code that prints out a list of the tableData items from within Project.js

      { => (
        <li key={tableRow[3]}>

As you can see, the two rows get displayed inside Table.js and Project too just fine
enter image description here

Then when the user drags/selects files, this function gets called which sets the updates the state var with a third row ‘metaTitle C’

  const handleFilesSelect = (files) => {
    console.log('Setting selectedFiles = ', files)
    //create new table data var
    let newTableData = [
        "<div style='cursor: pointer;'> = num</div>",
        "<input type='checkbox'>",
        "metaTitle C"
    //set table data state 
    console.log('Setting tableData =', newTableData)

So when i drag new files, I can see the state var for tableData got updated because the new third row is printed on the dom for Project.js, but the <Table tableData={tableData} /> line which passes the state var into the Table.js component, does not update the table? Am I updating or passing my state var tableData wrong?
enter image description here