React-native maps; polygon wont render on my MapView and my function returns a completely different value than expected

export default function MapScreen() {
    return (
        <NavigationContainer independent={true}>
            <MapStack.Navigator initialRouteName="MapScreenView">
                <MapStack.Group screenOptions={{headerShown: false,}}>
                    <MapStack.Screen name="MapScreenView" component={MapScreenView} />


Primary ancestor component of the map screen functionality.
In charge of rendering the world map & polygons. 
class MapScreenView extends React.Component {
    constructor () {
        this.mapHasMoved = false;
        this.currentRegion = 'Clemson';
        this.polysMap = [];
        this.polysReady = false;
        console.log("nnNew map loaded")

    updateMapHasMoved = (val) => {
        console.log("before: mapHasMoved = " + this.mapHasMoved)
        this.mapHasMoved = val;
        console.log("after: mapHasMoved = " + this.mapHasMoved);

    updatePolysReady = (val) => {
        this.polysReady = val;
        console.log("polysReady = ")

    RenderPolygons = async (region = this.currentRegion) => {
        var polys = [];
        var response = '';
        var coords = [];
        try {
            response = await axios.get(`${baseURL}/ClemsonLots/`);
        } catch (error) {
            console.log("get error: " + error);
        console.log("Rendering polygons for region: " + region)
        for (var i in {
            coords.push([i, [i]]);
        //Create array of objects storing parking lot poly information
        for (var i = 0; i<coords[0].length; i++) {
            polys[i] = 
                {lotID: coords[i][1].lotID,
                 numCoords: coords[i][1].numCoords,
                 lotCoords: []
        //Create variable sized objects of coordinate pairs
        //, store them in polys[i].lotCoords
        for (var i = 0; i<coords[0].length; i++) {
            if (coords[i][1].numCoords == 3) {
                /* if else block to assign coordinate values from database */}
       , index) => {
            this.polysMap[index] = <Polygon 
        return true;

    render() {
        return (
            <View style={StylesList.appBackground}>
                <View style={styles.mapScreenContainer}>
                    <MapView style={} 
                    region={startingRegion} rotateEnabled={false}
                    onMapReady={() => this.updatePolysReady(this.RenderPolygons())}
                        {this.polysReady ? console.log(this.polysReady) : null}
                        {/* { this.mapHasMoved ? this.RenderPolygons() : null} */}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    mapScreenContainer: {
        height: '85%',
        width: '100%',
        marginTop: 20,
        borderColor: '#000',
        borderWidth: 1,
    map: {
      position: 'absolute',
      top: 0,
      left: 0,
      right: 0,
      bottom: 0,

const startingRegion = {
    latitude: 34.6738988,
    longitude: -82.8422494,
    latitudeDelta: 0.005,
    longitudeDelta: 0.001,

I’m making an app in React Native and I am trying to get it so that my map will render polygons based on coordinates in my database.

The problem I think lies in the RenderPolygons() function, but I’m new so Im not sure. The map itself loads when I run my code, but no polygons are loaded. I have tried logging the results to the console, and I can see and have tested by copying and pasting the values that the polysMap array correctly stores polygon blocks.

i.e. <MapPolygon coordinates={[{“latitude”: 34.6748, “longitude”: -82.8442}, {“latitude”: 34.6752, “longitude”: -82.8439}, {“latitude”: 34.6746, “longitude”: -82.8414}, {“latitude”: 34.6732, “longitude”: -82.8423}, {“latitude”: 34.674, “longitude”: -82.8434}]} fillColor=”#27f” strokeColor=”#27f” strokeWidth={2} zIndex={2} />

The above block is stored in polyMaps[0], and directly putting that in the render() function works. But calling {this.polyMaps} does not. When I tried running {console.log(this.polyMaps)} in the MapView, it just returns ‘[]’.

As a new attempt, I tried putting RenderPolygons() in another function and have it return true to update this.polysReady, but the console value of this.polysReady is “{“_h”: 0, “_i”: 0, “_j”: null, “_k”: null}”.

Apologies, I know there is a lot going on here but I am really stuck and any help is appreciated.