Disable click events on VictoryScatter while scrolling in a React Native app

I am working on a data visualization app in React Native using the Victory Chart library. The app uses VictoryScatter and VictoryVoronoiContainer to implement a clickable scatter point graph, where tooltips appear above the scatter points when clicked. I want to improve the user experience by disabling these click events on the VictoryScatter component while the user is scrolling to prevent accidental activation of a scatter point.

The parent component for the screen is MoodTrendScreen.js, and the child component is MoodChart.js. MoodTrendScreen.js has a scrollable list of MoodCharts. I tried using scrollBeginDrag and scrollEndDrag callbacks on the ScrollView component to track whether the user is scrolling, storing it as a boolean flag (state component called isScrolling) in the parent component, and passing it as a prop to the children. Then, I used the isScrolling prop to set pointerEvents to 'none'. However, this approach did not work. How can I disable the scatter points from being clickable while the user is scrolling?

function MoodTrendScreen() {
  const [moodData, setMoodData] = useState({});


  return (



export default MoodTrendScreen;

const MoodChart = (props) => {
  const filteredChartData = ...

  const renderDataPoints = () => {
    const pointRadius = 4;

    return (
        dataComponent={<ClickableScatterPoint pointRadius={pointRadius} />}

  const CustomVoronoiContainer = <VictoryVoronoiContainer voronoiBlacklist={['mood', 'mood-trend']} radius={20} />;

  const renderLineChart = () => {
    return (
            scale={ {x: "time", y: "linear"} }
              domain={{ y: [0, 11] }}

  return (
    <View style={styles.rootView} onLayout={onLayout}>
      <Text style={styles.chartHeader}>{chartTitle}</Text>

export default MoodChart;

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