Creating an object from two DOM values, not as one key:value set, but two separate sets with manual keys

I am successfully getting all the DOM data I require into an object, but am struggeling to get each attribute value (id and value) inserted into the object as separate key:value sets.

So currently I console.log out :
mo0: ‘1’,
tu0: ‘1’,
we0: ‘1’, … and so on.

I would like for every iteration to create two key:value sets, using the manual keys fieldId and fieldValue :

fieldId: ‘mo0’, fieldValue: ‘1’

        function getTaskData() {
            const tasks = document.querySelectorAll('.task')
            const obj = {}

            tasks.forEach(task => {
            const id = task.getAttribute('id');
            const value = task.getAttribute('value');
            obj[id] = value;

Could anyone help revising the code or point me into the right direction please – I have been stuck on it for hours. Many thanks!!