How can i remove /app in url like localhost:3000/app/url-path

I am modifying an application, and i intend to remove /app from the url path. I want


to become something like this


here’s my code snippet

export const LOGIN_ENTRY = "login";
export const APP_ENTRY = "app";

const config: BasicConfig = [
  { name: LOGIN_ENTRY, container: containerKeys.LOGIN },
    name: APP_ENTRY,
    container: containerKeys.LAYOUT,
    role: "user",
    isPrivate: true,
    children: [
      { name: "home", role: "user", container: containerKeys.HOME },

const getPaths = (config: BasicConfig, parentPath: string = ""): Paths =>
  config.reduce((paths, configItem) => {
    const currentPath = `${parentPath}/${}`;
    return {
      ...(configItem.container ? { [configItem.container]: currentPath } : {}),
      ...{ [currentPath]: currentPath },
      ...( === LOGIN_ENTRY ? { LOGIN_ENTRY: currentPath } : {}),
      ...( === APP_ENTRY ? { APP_ENTRY: currentPath } : {}),
      ...(configItem.children ? getPaths(configItem.children, currentPath) : {})
  }, {} as Paths);

export const fillPathWithParams = (
  path: string,
  params: { [key: string]: string }
) =>
  Object.entries(params).reduce((acc, param) => {
    return acc.replace(`:${param[0]}`, param[1]);
  }, path);

export const findByPath = (
  config: Config,
  targetPath: string,
  parentPath: string = ""
): Config | undefined => {
  for (let i = 0; i < config.length; i++) {
    const currentPath = `${parentPath}/${config[i].name}`;
    if (`${parentPath}/${config[i].name}` === targetPath) {
      return config[i].children;
    if (config[i].children) {
      const result = findByPath(config[i].children!, targetPath, currentPath);
      if (result) {
        return result;


const extendBasicConfig = (
  config: BasicConfig,
  parentKeys: string[] = []
): Config => {
  return => {
    return {
      key: `/${[...parentKeys,].join("/")}`,
      path: item.container ? paths[item.container] : undefined, 
      children: item.children
        ? extendBasicConfig(item.children, [...parentKeys,])
        : undefined

export const paths = getPaths(config);

I have tried initialising APP_ENTRY = '' It doesn’t work at all, the application does not work on any url, but if i update APP_ENTRY = 'somethingelse', my url path changes to http://localhost:3000/somethingelse/users

I have also tried to see if i can update it manually, but I am unable to.