cannot find module ‘next/router’ or its corresponding type declarations

Currently having some problems with my NextJS app.

I get the error below. Which is really weird, because my code runs perfectly with no errors.

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
// Cannot find module 'next/router' or its corresponding type declarations.

However, I get the error above in my IDE, this error is stopping my turbo build and yarn build commands to run, causing me to be unable to be able to push to production.

I have restarted my ts server, uninstalled next, updated to latest version and ran yarn to install everything again.

I’ve made an example repository on GitHub.

This is happening for all my next imports.
Cannot find module 'next/router' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)
Cannot find module 'next/link' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)
Cannot find module 'next/image' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)


I have tried using moduleResolution node, as well as node16

node results in my local package cachetesting to not be found, so it is unable to be imported. And node16 results in nextjs import errors.