How to add typescript rules in NextJs Project without losing next/core-web-vitals?

I have a typescript NextJS project with the following .eslintrc.json:

    "extends": "next/core-web-vitals"

I would like to add some additional typescript rules (like do not allow the type any (no-explicit-any)).

  1. I added npm install --save-dev @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
  2. Extend the config by the no-explicit-any rule, updated the parser and added the plugin.
    "extends": "next/core-web-vitals",
    "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
    "plugins": [
    "rules": {
        "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "warn"
  1. Now the no-explicit-any works. However all the default rules from the next/core-web-vitals are not working anymore.

So I can either have the next or use the typescript-eslint rules. How can I use booth?