place null values at last while sorting the data

I have this data which i’m displaying in the table

        "ID": 9,
        "Status": "Pending",
        "ID": 8,
        "Status": null,
        "ID": 7,
        "Status": "Pending",
        "ID": 10,
        "Status": null,
        "ID": 18,
        "Status": "Completed",
        "ID": 17,
        "Status": "In Progress",

Sort Method:

Ascending order :

 this.List.sort((a, b) => a[columnname] < b[columnname] ? 1 : a[columnname] > b[columnname]` ? -1 : 0);

Descending order :

 this.List.sort((a, b) => a[columnname] > b[columnname] ? 1 : a[columnname] < b[columnname] ? -1 : 0);

and using sort function to sort the data in table issue is when i sort it, i want to place null values at the last.