How to call my function inside another function

Im currently trying to implement functionality that deletes all translations within a project when a user deletes a project. However, when i try to call my deleteTranslations function within my deleteProject function, it says deleteTranslations is not defined.

deleteTranslations: async ({ user, projectId, trkeys }) => {
      const deletePromises = (trkey) => {
        const params = {
          Key: {
            PK: getPK('trans', user, projectId),
            SK: getSK('trans', user, projectId, trkey),
        return doDelete(params);
      return Promise.all(deletePromises);

    deleteProject: async ({ user, project }) => {
      const translationsParams = {
        projectId: project,
        trkeys: [],
      await deleteTranslations(translationsParams);      // the problem is here

      const params = {
        TableName: table,
        Key: {
          PK: getPK('project', user),
          SK: getSK('project', user, project),
      return doDelete(params);

Ive tried to implement this in a few ways but i cant wrap my head around this.