Abstract common function behavior into higher order function

I have three pretty similar functions:

//for context there is also this part:
  const [colors, setColors] = useState(["#000000", "#ffffff"]);
// but the three functions start here:

 function updateColor(index, color) {
    const newColors = [...colors];
    newColors[index] = color;

  function deleteColor(index) {
    const newColors = [...colors];
    newColors.splice(index, 1);

  function duplicateColor(index) {
    const newColors = [...colors];
    newColors.splice(index, 0, newColors[index]);

As you can see the first and third line of each of these are identical. Is there some method by which I can create a function that takes the middle line as a callback function and reproduces the first and third.

Something like:

const updateColor = functionMaker((index, color) => newColors[index]);
const deleteColor = functionMaker((index) => newColors.splice(index, 1));

I can’t quite get my head around how I would support different arguments for each, as in my example above.