Discord voice system js

My problem that if ‘Owner’ of voice channel leaves before someone else, then if in voice channel size of member = 0
nothing happens. I think that because my db, i’m quite bad in mongodb.

I have 3 files:

const { SlashCommandBuilder, ChannelType, ButtonInteraction, EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, PermissionFlagsBits, ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, TextInputStyle, CommandInteraction, Client, joinVoiceChannel } = require("discord.js");
const UserVoice = require("../../Models/UserVoice");
const VoiceSchema = require("../../Models/VoiceSchema");

const voiceCooldown = new Map();

module.exports = {
    name: "voiceStateUpdate",

    async execute(oldVoiceState, newVoiceState) {
        const VoiceData = await VoiceSchema.findOne({ GuildID: newVoiceState.guild.id });
        const UserData = await UserVoice.findOne({ UserID: newVoiceState.member.id });

        if (newVoiceState.channel && newVoiceState.channel.id === VoiceData?.ChannelID) {
            const now = Date.now();
            const cooldownTime = 60 * 1000;
            if (voiceCooldown.has(newVoiceState.member.id)) {
                const expirationTime = voiceCooldown.get(newVoiceState.member.id) + cooldownTime;
                if (now < expirationTime) {
                    const remainingTime = (expirationTime - now) / 1000;
                    return newVoiceState.member.send(`Please wait ${remainingTime.toFixed(1)} seconds before creating another voice channel.`);

            let voice_channel = await newVoiceState.guild.channels.create({
                name: UserData?.ChannelName || `${newVoiceState.member.displayName}-voice`,
                type: ChannelType.GuildVoice,
                parent: newVoiceState.channel.parent
            }).then(async (channel) => {
                await newVoiceState.member.voice.setChannel(channel);
                await UserVoice.findOneAndUpdate(
                    { UserID: newVoiceState.member.id },
                        ChannelID: newVoiceState.channel.id
                        new: true,
                        upsert: true,

                voiceCooldown.set(newVoiceState.member.id, Date.now());
        } else if (oldVoiceState?.channel?.id === UserData?.ChannelID || newVoiceState?.channel?.id !== UserData?.ChannelID) {
            const channel = oldVoiceState.guild.channels.cache.get(UserData?.ChannelID);
            if (channel && channel.members.size === 0) {
              await channel.delete();
              await UserVoice.findOneAndDelete({ UserID: newVoiceState.member.id });

and 2 mongo:
UserVoice.js this one storing custom name of voice channel and id of the channel:

const { model, Schema } = require("mongoose");

let UserVoice = new Schema({
    UserID: String,
    ChannelID: String,
    ChannelName: String,

module.exports = model("UserVoice", UserVoice);

VoiceSchema.js this one is for channel Join to create:

const { model, Schema } = require("mongoose");

let VoiceSchema = new Schema({
    GuildID: String,
    ChannelID: String,

module.exports = model("VoiceSchema", VoiceSchema);

Ty for help! ^_^