Remove border from Tradingview advanced chart embed

I am using the chart embed code from Tradingview widgets (

I did customize some of the styles under overrides but I can find a way to remove the white outline border around the chart.

Note: If I uncomment theme: "dark", most of the overrides don’t work

Here are all my options:

new window.TradingView.widget({
    autosize: true,
    height: "100%",
    symbol: "BTCUSD",
    interval: "60",
    //   theme: "dark",
    style: "3",
    locale: "en",
    hide_top_toolbar: true,
    container_id: "tradingview_8032b",
    disabled_features: [
    overrides: {
      "paneProperties.background": theme.palette.background.paper,
      "scalesProperties.textColor": theme.palette.text.primary,
      "paneProperties.vertGridProperties.color": "rgba(250,0,0,0)",
      "paneProperties.horzGridProperties.color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
      //"mainSeriesProperties.areaStyle.color1": theme.palette.primary.main, // DOES NOT WORK
      "mainSeriesProperties.areaStyle.color2": theme.palette.primary.main,

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