How can i integrate an Amazon Lex V2 chatbot in Nuxt 2 using AWS Amplify’s chatbot component?

I have successfully integrated an Amazon Lex V1 bot in my Nuxt 2 project using Amplify’s chatbot component. However in trying to integrate an Amazon Lex V1 bot, Amplify’s chatbot component does not render the bot’s responses in the chat window.

I created a nuxt app and configured a plugin for my amplify interaction in amplify.js below:

import Vue from 'vue'
import { Amplify, Interactions } from 'aws-amplify'
import {
} from '@aws-amplify/ui-components/loader'

import { AWSLexV2Provider } from '@aws-amplify/interactions'

Interactions.addPluggable(new AWSLexV2Provider())

const interactionsConfig = {
  Auth: {
    identityPoolId: <identity-pool-id>,
    region: <region>,
  Interactions: {
      // LexV2 Bot
      MyNARASentimentEngine: {
        name: <botname>,
        aliasId: <aliasId>,
        botId: <botId>,
        localeId: 'en_US',
        region: <region>,
        providerName: 'AWSLexV2Provider',


applyPolyfills().then(() => {

Vue.config.ignoredElements = [/amplify-w*/]

I then created a ChatBot.vue component below and imported it in my default layout to view.

  <div class="bg-black">
    <amplify-chatbot bot-name="botname" bot-title="bottitle" />

export default {}

I had the responses from the lex v1 bot being displayed in the chat window. But on migrating to Amazon Lex v2 the chat window does not render the bot’s response anymore. I have checked the network logs for each request made to the v2 bot and the responses are there. v2 bot response They just never get displayed. chatbot window Can i get some help with a solution or workaround for this. Or are they any other packages anybody could suggest for me to try. Thanks!