How can I get all the documents from that firestore collection that have at least one object with a doctorId value equal to 1 in a collection x

I have a collection with documents that follow the following model:

    "cardId": "12345678900",
    "phone": "123456789",
    "name": "Scott",
    "services": [
            "name": "Estudios 3D para vías aéreas"
            "name": "Estudios 3D para ortodoncia"
            "name": "Estudios 3D para senos paranasales",
            "doctorId": "ASNDUasd981239nasd"
            "name": "Estudios 3D para implantes dentales",
            "pdfUrl": [],
            "imgUrl": [],
            "doctorId": 1
            "name": "Estudios 3D para vías aéreas",
            "imgUrl": [
            "pdfUrl": [
    "lastname": "Castro",
    "birthdate": "Thu Mar 02 2023 15:43:23 GMT-0400 (hora estándar del Atlántico)",
    "gender": "M",
    "imgUrl": "",
    "type": "PATIENT",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "referredById": 1

How can I get all the documents of that collection where at least one object inside the “services” array contains a doctorId property with the value of 1, the firebase library in react.

I tried using the method:

 query(ref, where('services', 'array-contains-any', { doctorId: 1 }));

But it doesn’t work, because apart from the doctorId property, the object inside the “services” array has other properties, so it doesn’t match