Tablesorter JS Math widget Ignore empty cells

We have table sorter JS running and it works great, however the count function is counting all cells in the column not just those with data.

Is there a way to configure the count function to ignore empty cells?

The 3rd column should be 0 not 24

    theme: "bootstrap",
    widgets: ['filter', 'math'],
    widgetOptions: {
        math_data: 'math', // data-math attribute
        math_ignore: [0, 1, ''],
        math_textAttr: '',
        math_none: 'N/A', // no matching math elements found (text added to cell)
        math_complete: function ($cell, wo, result, value, array)
            var textClass = $cell.attr('data-math-textAttr');
            if (textClass == undefined)
                textClass = "align-right";
            var txt = '<span class="' + textClass + '" >' +
                (value === wo.math_none ? '' : ' ') +
                result + '</span>';
            if ($cell.attr('data-math') === 'all-sum') {
                // when the "all-sum" is processed, add a count to the end
                return txt + ' (Sum of ' + array.length + ' cells)';
            return txt;
        math_completed: function (c) {
            // called after all math calculations have completed
        // cell data-attribute containing the math value to use (added v2.31.1)
        // see "Mask Examples" section
        math_mask: '##0.00',
        math_prefix: '', // custom string added before the math_mask value (usually HTML)
        math_suffix: '', // custom string added after the math_mask value
        // event triggered on the table which makes the math widget update all data-math cells (default shown)
        math_event: 'recalculate',
        // math calculation priorities (default shown)... rows are first, then column above/below,
        // then entire column, and lastly "all" which is not included because it should always be last
        math_priority: ['above', 'below', 'col', 'row'],
        // set row filter to limit which table rows are included in the calculation (v2.25.0)
        // e.g. math_rowFilter : ':visible:not(.filtered)' (default behavior when math_rowFilter isn't set)
        // or math_rowFilter : ':visible'; default is an empty string
        math_rowFilter: ''

<tfoot class="sticky-bottom">
    <tr style="border-top: double">
        @for (int i = 0; i < (Model.Heading.Count() - 2); i++)
            <th class="text-center" data-math="col-count" data-math-mask="#,###.00">col-count</th>
            <th class="text-right" data-math="col-sum" data-math-mask="#,##0.00">col-sum</th>


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