Javascript, Vue: stopwatch is too slow, seconds elapsed too low (code fiddle included)

I have code that starts a stopwatch, updates milliseconds variable every 1 millisecond, and displays the number of hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds elapsed.

However the displayed elapsed seconds aren’t realistic – 10 seconds can pass, while the stopwatch would only show 3 seconds elapsed

enter image description here

This it the code:

    {{ this.duration(this.milliseconds) }}

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {},

  data() {
    return {
      timeValue: String,
      milliseconds: Number,

  created() {
    this.milliseconds = 0;

    setInterval(() => {
    }, 1);

  methods: {
    duration(millisecondsData) {
      let milliseconds = millisecondsData % 1000;
      millisecondsData = (millisecondsData - milliseconds) / 1000;

      let seconds = millisecondsData % 60;
      millisecondsData = (millisecondsData - seconds) / 60;

      let minutes = millisecondsData % 60;
      let hours = (millisecondsData - minutes) / 60;

      return [

    format(n) {
      return (~~n).toString().padStart(2, "0");

Code fiddle:

I’ve also tried running pure JS code in an IDE, and it runs fine (the seconds elapsed match real time), however running the same JS code inside browser console shows the same result as the Vue code.