For Loops Only. Have an array of names. Want to check if they have the letter A in them. If the name does then push this into an Array of two array’s

const classNames = [

function separateNamesWithAFromRest(classNames) {
 let hasA = false;
  let doubleArray = [[], []];
  for (let name of classNames) {
    for (let char of name) {
      char = char.toLowerCase();
      if (char === 'a') {
        hasA = true;
      } else if (char !== 'a') {
        hasA = false;
  return doubleArray;

I want to only use the for loops to check the names and see if the letter A exists. If it does I want to force the name into one array of the doubleArray or what can sometimes be called a “Matrix” in Javascript.