Checking the strength of a password (JavaScript)

I am trying to check the strength of a password and I am having trouble validating that if the function has an empty argument, it should return “invalid” but I am getting “weak” instead.

function passwordStrength(password) {
  let strengthCounter = 0;
  for (const prop in regexObj) {
    if (!regexObj[prop].regex.test(password) && (!Object.values(regexObj)[0].regex.test(password) || !Object.values(regexObj)[1].regex.test(password))) {
    } else if (regexObj[prop].regex.test(password) && Object.values(regexObj)[1].regex.test(password)) {

  if (strengthCounter >= 6) return strengthStatusObj.strong;
  if (strengthCounter >= 4) return strengthStatusObj.medium;
  if (strengthCounter == 3) return strengthStatusObj.weak;
  if (strengthCounter < 3) return strengthStatusObj.invalid;