Blazor – Navigate to Id after page renders

Framework: .Net6.0

C#: 10.0

How do I navigate to an Id after the page finishes rendering? I have a virtualized list of items, one item out of the list gets assigned an Id.

I want to be able to scroll down to this Id after the page finishes rendering.

I’m able to scroll down ‘manually’ simply by adding ‘#IdName’ to the end of the url. I’m unable to get blazor to scroll down to this Id using the Navigation Manager.

I’ve tried the following in OnAfterRenderAsync:


and the following JS and C# code in OnAfterRenderAsync

await JsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("scrollToElementId", "");


scrollToElementId = (elementId) => {
    elementId = "testscroll";'scrolling to element', elementId);
    var element = document.getElementById(elementId);
        console.warn('element was not found', elementId);
        return false;
    return true;

The JS file has been added to wwwroot/Javascript/main.js


<script src="Javascript/main.js"></script>

added above

<script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script> 

in _Layout.cshtml

The JS listed above DOES work, but only for items that are not in the virtualized list. If I add a static div to the bottom of the list, out side the Virtualize tag, it will scroll to the bottom. But if I try to use a Id from and item inside the Virtualize tag, it does not scroll.

I receive the element was not found console warning from the JS, when using Id’s from the virtualized list.