Ways to capture r shiny Handsontable in a jspdf printout without corruption

I’ve been working of a reporting feature for an app. It has several small tables that I have been copying over with dom-to-image in jsPDF.

var image = new Image();
  var node;
node = document.getElementById("Table1");
    await domtoimage.toPng(node)
    .then(function (DataURL){
      doc.addImage(DataURL, "PNG", 23, 123, node.clientWidth/4.875, node.clientHeight/4.875);

Recently the images that the tables are have been showing up corrupted with sections edited out. Is there a handsontable js call like in plotly to copy over the table as a data URL?

image = await Plotly.toImage("graph1");
    doc.addImage(image, "JPEG", 12.5, 22.5, 180, 100);

Or an easier way to prevent the images from being corrupted?
I was recently using html2canvas but the speed and memory usage would crash Chrome and Firefox whenever I would generate a report.

I have changed around the image type dom-to-image pulls, from PNG to JPEG, and Blob as well. I have edited my CSS file to remove any chance these charts and tables would overlat in the app interface as another safety measure as well.