How to properly assign the value of a variable in a controller to a variable in a directive Angular JS

I currently have a directive that I’ve defined as:

.directive("carSelect", [function () {
   return {
     restrict: "E",
     require: "ngModel",
     scope: {
       outputModel: "=ngModel"
     controller: "CarsController"

The purpose of this directive is to allow a user to select various cars which eventually get saved as part of their profile.

I call this directive in template-user-setup.html by:

<car-select ng-model=""></car-select>

Where is a variable found in the controller of another directive that uses template-user-setup.html as its template.

I then have a multiselect directive in template-car-select.html which is called by:

<multiselect ng-model="CarIds"></multiselect>

Where CarIds is a variable found in the CarsController and this directive allows a user to select multiple cars from a list.

Now my question is how can I make sure that the outputModel variable in the carSelect directive is updated with the value of CarIds?

The only way I thought of making this work is by adding a callback to the multiselect directive so that in the CarsController I assign CarIds to the outputModel variable which looks something like this:

<multiselect ng-model="CarIds" on-change-callback="assignCardIdsValueToOutputModel()"></multiselect>

Where assignCardIdsValueToOutputModel is a function in the CarsController that looks like:

$scope.assignCardIdsValueToOutputModel= function () { $scope.outputModel = $scope.CarIds};

However, even though this works I feel like I’m not utilizing bindings correctly. Is there a better way to do this without adding a callback and just using bindings?