How to call an Async function from a non Async function [duplicate]

I have a Typescript project with a function that is not Async. This function can’t be changed to async and this is giving me trouble to call an Async function and retrieve a value synchronously.

Is there a way I can await for my async function to evaluate before I continue the execution of the Main function? If I use the async keyword, it forces me to make the Main function async too.

Main function looks like this:

export const sortList = (
  list: Item[],
): Item[] => {
  const retrieveValueSynchronously = await getMyValue();
  return map(
         orderBy(list, item => item.timeStamp, "desc"),
         item => {
             ..... some more code here that uses **retrieveValueSynchronously** 

And this is my async function:

 public async getMyValue(): Promise<string> {
    const { cachedMetadata } =
      await this.getCachedMetadata();

    return cachedMetadata;