Call an object method once the chained methods are resolved

I would like to create a custom api service that will work similarly to the supabase-js library. Example:

const { data, error } = await supabase
  .select('name, countries(*)')
  .eq('', 'Estonia')

I cannot figure out how it is possible that the last method doesn’t have to be something like .get() (which would perform the fetch request)

Ideally, I would like the fetch to be called automatically after the chained methods are resolved – sth. like this:

const { data, pending, error } = await useProductsService()
                                             .whereIn('id', [123, 12, 521, 521])
                                             .whereLowerThan('price', 300)

note: I used supabase just as an example, I want to use this with a completely different API

I know how to do it with sth like a .get() method at the end, however, I’d like to do it without it, if possible.
It’s not a big deal to have to call one more method but I see it as an opportunity to learn something new as well.

Is it possible to do something like this? Or did I understand something wrong?