Return type of aws-sdk CognitoIdentityServiceProvider signUp

I have implemented the Cognito user creation with aws sdk. I can create user i the pool without any issue, Please advice me what is the return type I have to use in the

@Mutation(() =>


@Mutation(() =>, {name:"Signup"})
async signUp(@Args('Signup') authRegisterRequest: RegisterRequestDto):Promise<any>{
     return await this.authService.signup(authRegisterRequest);
        throw new HttpException(error.message, 400)

Service class signup function,

const cognito = new CognitoIdentityServiceProvider()
const result = await cognito
      ClientId: this.configService.get<string>('AWS_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID'),
      Password: password,
      UserAttributes: [
          Name: 'email',
          Value: email
          Name: 'name',
          Value: name
      Username: email
  return result;

I cannot find the correct type of return for the

@Mutation(() =>….., {name:”Signup”})
Please explain what is the return type I have to use here.