Image Is Not Panning Properly with JS Touch Events

The below code works great, there is only one problem. If the user is panning at a boundary, i.e. the user dragged the image all the way to the bottom and they swipe in a diagonally down/left of down/right direction, the image fails to pan on the x-axis. It’s sticking.

I have no idea how to solve this, I’ve tried everything and I’ve never been so stuck.

To test this just swipe in a large circular motion and it becomes clear how the image sticks.

const image = {
  startX: undefined,
  startY: undefined,
  currentX: undefined,
  currentY: undefined,
  scrollX: undefined,
  scrollY: undefined,
  currentOffsetX: undefined,
  currentOffsetY: undefined,
  maxScrollX: undefined,
  maxScrollY: undefined

const imageContainer = document.querySelector('.image-container')
const zoomImageWrapper = document.querySelector('.zoom-image-wrapper')
let isAlreadySwiped = false

const { x, y } = computeInitialOffset()
document.querySelector('.image-container').style.transform = `translate3d(-${x}px, -${y}px, 0)` 

image.maxScrollX = Math.abs(imageContainer.offsetWidth - zoomImageWrapper.offsetWidth)
image.maxScrollY = Math.abs(imageContainer.offsetHeight - zoomImageWrapper.offsetHeight)

function computeInitialOffset() {
  return {
    x: (imageContainer.offsetWidth - zoomImageWrapper.offsetWidth) / 2,
    y: (imageContainer.offsetHeight - zoomImageWrapper.offsetHeight) / 2

function getImageOffsets(img) {
  return {
    imageOffsetX: Math.abs((img.getBoundingClientRect().left)),
    imageOffsetY: Math.abs((img.getBoundingClientRect().top))

// zoom out on double tap
function resetOffset(img) {
  const { x, y } = computeInitialOffset()
  image.currentOffsetX = x
  image.currentOffsetY = y

function handleDragMove(e) {
  image.currentX = e.touches[0].pageX
  image.currentY = e.touches[0].pageY

  const swipingLeft = image.startX > image.currentX
  const swipingUp = image.startY > image.currentY

  if (isAlreadySwiped) {
    image.scrollX = Math.min(
      (image.currentOffsetX - (e.touches[0].pageX - image.startX)), 

    image.scrollY = Math.min(
      (image.currentOffsetY - (e.touches[0].pageY - image.startY)),
  else {
    const { x, y } = computeInitialOffset()

    image.scrollX = Math.min(
      (Math.abs(x) - (e.touches[0].pageX - image.startX)), 
    image.scrollY = Math.min(
      (Math.abs(y) - (e.touches[0].pageY - image.startY)),
  } = `translate3d(-${image.scrollX}px, -${image.scrollY}px, 0)`


function handleDragStart(e) {
  image.startX = e.touches[0].pageX
  image.startY = e.touches[0].pageY

function handleDragEnd(e) {
  image.currentOffsetX = getImageOffsets(imageContainer).imageOffsetX
  image.currentOffsetY = getImageOffsets(imageContainer).imageOffsetY
  isAlreadySwiped = true

imageContainer.addEventListener('touchstart', handleDragStart)
imageContainer.addEventListener('touchmove', handleDragMove)
imageContainer.addEventListener('touchend', handleDragEnd)
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