how do correct loop in loop

hi I try to do loop of array inside loop of array but the result I get is now whet I want
I have one array of books id and one array of quantity
now whet I try is foreach book in the quantity field decrease by the value in the array quantity
but whet I get is take all the quantity array sum all the values and decrease from every book

booksId = ['63761881ec1e2022c0d9e987','637e262ea6fd0c1c544e9a19','637a2798b661e13c40433698']
quantity = [ '1', '2', '1' ]

const updateQuantityBooks = async (booksId, quantity) => { (que, i) => { (el, i) => {
            await Book.findByIdAndUpdate(el, { $inc: { quantity: -que } }, {
                new: true,
                runValidators: true

now whet happen is decrease foreach book 4 in the quantity