FilePond,Laravel restore uploaded temporary files on validation failure

after searching a lot here and there I am going to put my question here . If any body can help out in this regard . Let me explain the things I am working on Laravel and Filepond .
Filepond upload and revert is working perfectly but I am facing problem in restoring the file back if the validation gets failed i-e restore the file on filepond.

                 files: [{
                     source: 'filename', 
                     options: {
                       type: 'limbo',

                }, ],

the source is coming from laravel controller function

                server: {

                    process: './filepond-upload',
                    revert: './filepond-delete',
                    restore: './filepond-restore',
                    // restore: {
                    //     url    :'./filepond-restore/?id=',
                    //     method :'GET',

                    // },
                    headers: {
                        'X-CSRF-TOKEN': '{{ csrf_token() }}',
                        'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Content-Disposition,'
                        // 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Content-Disposition',



but either get 302 redirection or 500 server error.
If any body have implemented such kind of functionality I ll be thankful for sharing.
Thanks in advance.
Happy Coding