JS Quiz: Correct Answer Recognition Issue

I’m developing a small JavaScript quiz to practice the language and add a project to my portfolio.

So far, I have successfully implemented randomized questions and choices, a timer, a progress bar and a score counter.

However, I have been experiencing issues with having my code recognise the fact when the user is submitting the option that should register as correct and light up green.

I would much appreciate any input in this regard.

I have tried to create a different const that targets the ‘answer’ property in my array of objects and have the code check if this matches the user input. However, this doesn’t seem to make a difference in the code.

Here’s the questions array;

let questions = [
        question: 'According to Roman mythology, who was the father of Romulus and Remus?',
        choice1: 'A wolf',
        choice2: 'King Numitor',
        choice3: 'Jupiter',
        choice4: 'Mars',
        answer: 4,
        question: 'Which was the first Roman road?',
        choice1: 'Via Egnatia',
        choice2: 'Via Valeria',
        choice3: 'Via Appia',
        choice4: 'Via Flaminia',
        answer: 3,
        question: 'Which of the following did not defeat Mithridates VI of Pontus?',
        choice1: 'Lucullus',
        choice2: 'Marius',
        choice3: 'Pompey',
        choice4: 'Sulla',
        answer: 2,
        question: 'How many times was Rome sacked in antiquity?',
        choice1: 'Once',
        choice2: 'Three or four',
        choice3: 'Six',
        choice4: 'Twice',
        answer: 2,
        question: 'What is an ancient roman marketplace called?',
        choice1: 'Agora',
        choice2: 'Market',
        choice3: 'Forum',
        choice4: 'Centre',
        answer: 3,
        question: 'How many heirs did Augustus lose before his death on 19 August AD 14?',
        choice1: 'Five',
        choice2: 'Four',
        choice3: 'Three',
        choice4: 'Six',
        answer: 1,
        question: 'Which of the following did NOT die in battle in Mesopotamia?',
        choice1: 'Gordian III',
        choice2: 'Julius',
        choice3: 'Crassus',
        choice4: 'Valerian',
        answer: 5,
        question: 'Which of the following emperors did not win a victory against the Goths?',
        choice1: 'Theodosius I',
        choice2: 'Valens',
        choice3: 'Julian',
        choice4: 'Justinian',
        answer: 3,
        question: 'Between which forces was the Battle of Cannae fought?',
        choice1: 'Epirus and Macedon',
        choice2: 'Carthage and Rome',
        choice3: 'Sparta and Arcadia',
        choice4: 'Pergamon and Anatolia',
        answer: 3,

Here’s the relevant logic;

choices.forEach(choice => {
    choice.addEventListener('click', e => {
       if(!acceptingAnswers) return

       acceptingAnswers = false;
       const selectedChoice = e.target;
       const correctAnswer = questions.answer;
       const selectedAnswer = selectedChoice.dataset['number'];

       let classToApply = selectedAnswer == correctAnswer ? 'correct' : 'incorrect';

       if(classToApply === 'correct') {


       setTimeout(() => {
       }, 1000);

Thank you kindly for your time in advance and I’m looking forward to learning about how I can tackle this issue.