Getting the error “Exception: The starting column of the range is too small.” in google sheets

Here is the code

 * @OnlyCurrentDoc

const RECIPIENT_COL  = "Recipient";
const EMAIL_SENT_COL = "Email Sent";
 * Creates the menu item "Mail Merge" for user to run scripts on drop-down.
function onOpen() {
  const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  ui.createMenu('Mail Merge')
      .addItem('Send Emails', 'sendEmails')

function sendEmails(subjectLine, sheet=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()) {
  // option to skip browser prompt if you want to use this code in other projects
  if (!subjectLine){
    subjectLine = Browser.inputBox("Mail Merge", 
                                      "Type or copy/paste the subject line of the Gmail " +
                                      "draft message you would like to mail merge with:",
    if (subjectLine === "cancel" || subjectLine == ""){ 
    // if no subject line finish up
  const emailTemplate = getGmailTemplateFromDrafts_(subjectLine);
  const dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();

  const data = dataRange.getDisplayValues();

  const heads = data.shift(); 
  const emailSentColIdx = heads.indexOf(EMAIL_SENT_COL);
  const obj = => (heads.reduce((o, k, i) => (o[k] = r[i] || '', o), {})));

  const out = [];

  obj.forEach(function(row, rowIdx){
    // only send emails is email_sent cell is blank and not hidden by filter
    if (row[EMAIL_SENT_COL] == ''){
      try {
        const msgObj = fillInTemplateFromObject_(emailTemplate.message, row);

        GmailApp.sendEmail(row[RECIPIENT_COL], msgObj.subject, msgObj.text, {
          htmlBody: msgObj.html,
          // bcc: '[email protected]',
          // cc: '[email protected]',
          // from: '[email protected]',
          // name: 'name of the sender',
          // replyTo: '[email protected]',
          // noReply: true, // if the email should be sent from a generic no-reply email address (not available to users)
          attachments: emailTemplate.attachments,
          inlineImages: emailTemplate.inlineImages
        // modify cell to record email sent date
        out.push([new Date()]);
      } catch(e) {
        // modify cell to record error
    } else {

  sheet.getRange(2, emailSentColIdx+1, out.length).setValues(out);

I am not entirely sure why that error is showing up. It is for sure in the following line of code so I changed it a bit from

 sheet.getRange(2, emailSentColIdx+1, out.length).setValues(out);


 sheet.getRange(2, emailSentColIdx+2, out.length).setValues(out);

It completed the script but would not actually send those emails/carry out the functions intended.
When I output Logger.log(out), I get the following:

[[null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null], [null]]

If you can help me figure out what I am doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated.