unshift and push inside a loop in Javascript, infinite loop javascript

I’m a beginner student and I’m try to get some information from “user” using the prompt() function, and then throw this information in an array. I need to use the loop FOR and the WHILE to solve this problem.

This is my code:

let allEmployeess = Number(prompt("How many employees in the company?"));

let employee = new Array(allEmployeess);
let contador = 1;

for (let i = 0; i <= employee.length; i++) {
  let colaborador = {
    name: prompt("Employee name:"),
    salary: Number(prompt("What is the salary amount??"))


This isn’t working and I’m falling into an infinite loop.

I suppose this happens because the unshift(and push) method, return the new lenght of the array, and maybe I’m increasing the array leaving it always bigger than the counter.

What can I do to solve this?