SSE and EventEmitter in NestJS – How to use observables

I want to omit an event that happens in the backend and show it in the frontend. I dont need sockets here because its a one way communication. So I want to try to push the event thats omitted towards the frontend using SSE (Server sent events) in nestjs.
Now the setup is pretty simple according to the docs:

sse(): Observable<MessageEvent> {
  return interval(1000).pipe(map((_) => ({ data: { hello: 'world' } })));

This is all fine and dandy, and it works. However, this should now just push the “event” thats happening in the backend, instead of using interval etc.

Here is my current setup:

export class StocksService {
  public stocks: Stock[] = [
      id: 1,
      symbol: 'Stock #1',
      bid: 500,
      ask: 500,

  constructor(private eventEmitter: EventEmitter2) {}

  create(createStockDto: CreateStockDto) {
    const stock = {
      id: this.stocks.length + 1,

    const stockCreatedEvent = new StockCreatedEvent();
    stockCreatedEvent.symbol = stock.symbol;
    stockCreatedEvent.ask = stock.ask; =;

    this.eventEmitter.emit('stock.created', stockCreatedEvent);

    return stock;

Now this.eventEmitter.emit('stock.created', stockCreatedEvent); emits the event and I can console log it using a small listener, and see it just fine:

export class StockCreatedListener {
  handleStockCreatedEvent(event: StockCreatedEvent) {

So now, whenever I hit the service with Postman and create a Stock entry, it will console log the event, which is great! Now I want this data pushed towards the frontend using SSE.

However, after digging through the RxJS docs, I am not sure I understand how I am supposed to connect these two.
I know I need to make an Observable, which I tried with:

  sse(event: StockCreatedEvent): Observable<MessageEvent> {
    const obj = of(event);
    return obj.pipe(map((_) => ({ data: event})));

However, even if i go to the url http://localhost:3000/sse it will not do anything, even not console logging or returning any stream.
Do i need an observable here.. or a subject?

Please help a brother out. Here is also the repo, if you need to look at it a bit more specifically