What does “Decoupling Implementation Details” mean regarding encapsulation in JavaScript?

I’m reading a blog post regarding encapsulation, after reading it I think I get what encapsulation is and why we need to use it, but at the end, the author talks about what are the advantages of encapsulation and he lists “Decoupling Implementation Details” as one of the benefits of using encapsulation.
I’m quoting it here:

Since Encapsulation enables operating on data using a public interface, it is easier to update the implementation because the tight coupling is eliminated. This is an excellent way to always code against an interface. This also means that with Encapsulation, the object is scalable to accommodate future changes without breaking compatibility.
The Coupling means the extent to which two modules are dependent on each other. Decoupling refers to eliminating such dependencies.

I’m trying to work this out in my head, and thought that maybe a SO member could help me understand what he is talking about. Can someone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance!