Why req.params answers 2 id?

it’s my first Express and MongoDb project and i encountered an issue today.
When i ask req.params it answers 2 id so i can’t search data in mongo db
idk if i made myself clear but here is the code


exports.articlepage = async(req, res) => {
    try {
        let artId = req.params

        res.render('page', { title: `p` } );
    } catch (error) {


router.get('/article/:id', articleController.articlepage);

and the console answers
{ id: ‘638d07c63bec27224511c7af’ }
{ id: ‘jquery-2.1.1.min.js’ }

hope someone can help, thank you in advance and if you need more of my code you can ask me

I’ve searched about this but wasn’t able to find something truly helpful