How to show content () as per selection options ()?

I want to show content based on user’s selection from

Like, when user selects the option “Option A” then only show the div containing “Orange”.


 <div id="main-container">
        <select name="" id="user-selector" class="selector-dropdown">
            <option selected="true" style='display: none'>Select</option>
            <option value="Option A">Fruit</option>
            <option value="Option B">Animal</option>
            <option value="Option C">Language</option>
            <option value="Option C">Stationary</option>

        <div class="output">Orange</div>
        <div class="output">Lion</div>
        <div class="output">English</div>
        <div class="output">Pen</div>



Can you please help me with the JS code?

Thanks in advance.

I have searched in codepens, stackoverflow, and most were using jQuery which i could’nt understand. It really helps if you can help me the JS code.